Mark had successfully completed the Sub Arctic Yukon Ultra Marathon and in March 2013, he will under take an ultra racing approach and epic journey of approximately 2000 miles to reach 3 of the 4 North Poles.
John who is physical training instructor and race director of the Hardmoors Ultra Marathon Challenge company. Follow John as he completes his personal goal of achieving 50 Ultra Marathons in 52 weeks. Alternatively if you want to under take a great personal challenge and achievement, then click on the Hardmoors 110 website below. I had successfully completed the Hardmoors 60, which is a 60 mile Ultra Marathon.
Mark Hines
John Steel
Hardmoors 110 "Rise To The Challenge"
A reflection of my 2012 sporting achievements. A historical snap shop of photographs taken during this years races and sporting events.
My Passion - My Goal's
This time next year
West Highland Way 95 mile Ultra Marathon
CCC - UTMB - 50 Mile Ultra Marathon.
The 100 Day Burpees Challenge
This was a challenge that I took up with my friend Victoria. The challenge started on January 1st, 2012 and lasted for 100 days. Each day we had to perform Burpees repetitions that represented that day of the year. I.e - February 28th = 60 repetitions and 1st March = 61 repetitions, working our way up towards reaching our daily target of 100 Burpees repetitions. On the back of this, we were adding additional exercises such as; 100 Crunches and 100 Squats. Mind you, the benefits gained was immense and these included; weight loss, muscle definition and increased endurance.The total amount of Burpees repetitions that we performed throughout the duration of the challenge was in excess of (5,500)....
At the end of the 100 day challenge, we decided to start another challenge, which we called the "100 Day Tabata Challenge". This encompassed up to 4 circuits of the following exercises; High Knees, Star Jumps, Uppercuts with Dumbbells and Frog Squats. Each exercise would be performed in a fast motion for the duration of 20 seconds, with a 5 second rest break, then quickly followed with the next exercise. Again this had great benefits including; increased endurance and running pace.
To follow on at the end of the challenge, we had decided to develop the on line Face Book group. Where we have over 49 members and we have introduce new challenges such as; Hill Reps etc. The name of the online Face Book group , is called "We Love A Challenge".
Here is a demonstration of myself performing 20 Burpees repetitions.
This is the video that I used to base around my Tabata circuits. I improvised by introducing other exercises such as; Burpees, Squats & Jack Knifes.
Trophies, Medals and Race Numbers
A selection of medals taken from my Marathon & Ultra Marathon races.
The bag I received form competing in the (SUMS) - The Cateran Trail 55 Mile Ultra Marathon.
The following trophies I was awarded for competing in the (SUMS), The Cateran Trail 55 Mile Ultra Marathon and The Devil O Highlands 43 Mile Ultra Marathon.
A small selection of my race numbers taken from my Hill, Marathon and Ultra Marathon races.
The 42nd Carnethy 5 Hill Race
Come on get your butt into gear.....
Endurance run #6 - Northumberland 27 mile coastal training run
Finished Run: 25 Feb 2012 15:03:03
Route: New RouteGoogle Maps URL:
Run Time: 5:24:06
Stopped Time: 56:08
Distance: 27.01 miles
Average: 5.00 mph
Fastest Speed: 6.92 mph
Ascent: 551 feet
Descent: 693 feet
Calories: 3625
Near Craster.
Anybody for an ice cream !!! well earned after 27 Miles of running on numerous beaches.
Endurance run #4 - Thrunton Woods
Finished Run: 31 Dec 2011 15:09:12Route: New Route
Google Maps URL:
Run Time: 3:04:58
Stopped Time: 4:52:01
Distance: 15.09 miles
Average: 4.90 mph
Fastest Speed: 6.26 mph
Ascent: 1544 feet
Descent: 1485 feet
Calories: 1660
Shem thinking that he is Superman !!!!
Anybody seen my trainer !
The summit of Long Crag at 5:30am in the morning.
Ha - Shem's dancing down the bog lol!!!!
Shem's new and very clean trainers.
In a good pace and picking up speed...
The Marathon of the North - The city of Sunderland's first Marathon
The 26.2 miles of sea front, park and
pounding tarmac that makes up Sunderland’s new Marathon of the North
Map and data taken from my Garmin Forerunner watch

Err can you get me a McDonald's for after the race lol...
The finishing line.
My finishers certificate - This race was a training run, prior to the Cateran 55 Mile Ultra Marathon in two weeks time.
Hardmoors 110 & 55 Ultra Marathons
I will be competeing in the Hardmoors 60 Ultra Marathon in September.
Carrying out Marshall duties with David Hetherington, on the Hardmoors 110 and 55 Mile Ultra Marathons.
During the 110 mile race, we manned both checkpoints (Wainstones & Runswick Bay), from 9pm on Friday night to 1pm on Saturday.
Check Point (Wainstones)
The cafe Check Point (Wainstones), is now open or business.
With great friends at Check Point (Runswick Bay).
Check Point (Runswick Bay)
A very warm welcome to my running friends from England & Scotland.
At 5am on Saturday morning at the second Check Point......Err number please and name !!!
The Wuthering Hike - 34 Mile Ultra Marathon
Dave where did you get that cap ?!!!!
The Osmotherley Phoenix Summer Games - 17 Mile Cross Country race
This race is actually 19 miles long, I have recorded this several times on my Garmin Forunner watch.Well done lass Dad is sooooo proud of you.!!!!!!
The Cateran Trail 55 Mile Ultra Marathon
Map and data taken from my Garmin Forerunner watch
The following data was taken during the race. However, my watch batterylife was drained after "12 hours & 46 minutes" of running and resulted in only capturing "50 miles" of the race. Booooo......
Time 12:46 Hours - Distance 50:15 Miles - Calories Burned 6,698
My actual finishing time was 13:56 hours.
The final 100 metre sprint over the finishing line.
Dave and myself straight after the 55 Mile race and we still feeling fresh as spring lambs !!!!
The Devil O Highland - 43 Mile Ultra Marathon
The route follows the West Highland Way, through Glencoe and finishing in Fort William
Map and data taken from my Garmin Forerunner watch. With over 10 hours of running
Me and Dave racing each other over the finishing line !!!
With great friends Dave & Victoria at the finish line of the race, enjoying a cool and well earned beer......
I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank our Support Team ! Thanks ladies I will reward you all latter !!!!!! Lol.......
My running snacks - Peanut Butter, Jam & Nutella sandwiches
My pre run breakfast - Chickern Hotpot.....Lovley.
This will give me enough fuel to run 18 miles.........
Shem and myself at the end of the Carlisle 1/2 Marathon
My favourite running and hike place - The Cheviot Hill.. There's no place like home !!!!!
A quick run to the summit of the Cheviot Hill with Dave and Phil. I have submitted the Cheviot in 59 minutes.
The ascent of the Cheviot..This section of the ascent was a steep and very long.
My running snack !
Out for my usual Saturday morning long distance run, when the outside temperature was down to minus - 2*C, this excluded any wind chill !!!!
My favourite place for practising my "Hill Repetitions" - Penshaw Monument Hill.
This Dave after setting up the water station, while we were carrying out our Marshaling duties on the "Hardmoors 110" - Ultra Marathon. I am glad that we did not have to carry all that water up to Checkpoint "Wainstones".
Me feeling good after my 20 mile Cross Country run
Shem and myself with new Friends on Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa.
My new trainers, my 4th lot. Now lets see how long these last before I burn them out !!!
With great friends on a hiking trip in Glencoe Scotland.
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