Sunday, 20 May 2012

Marathon Of the North

Marathon of the North

City of Sunderland Marathon

Sunday 6th May, 2012

The 26.2 miles of sea front, park and pounding tarmac that makes up Sunderland’s new Marathon of the North route.

Race Data

At the  starting line and feeling excited about competing in my home town's first road marathon.

Mile 15 - Barnes Park

As I entered through the main gates of Barnes Park, I was welcomed by cheers from family and friends. This was very motivating time for me which boosted my "Finally Tuned" racing engine in to action, enabling me to break in to "100 Metre Sprint"  passing several competitors.

"Wehay here I goooo "turbo speed"

Nearing the finish of the race with  200 metre sprint over the finishing line and into Sunderland's football ground "The Stadium of Light"

Just before launching myself in to"World Record 200 Metre Sprint" !!!! I had a conversation with the young lady on my right, where we discuss what we wanted to eat after the race "Salmon, Pasta, Yorkshire Puddings, Scone's, Pies & Tea" !!!!!!

The end is nearrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!!

"Ahh" cramp in my legs, needing a little help from my wife with putting on my tracksuit bottoms. "What a Wimp"!!!!!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the race organisers, volunteers and especially the community of Sunderland. Who turned out  to cheer every runner and shower them with sweats and cakes.

Well done to the community of Sunderland !!!!

My finishers certificate

I have challenged myself to compete in one of Scotland's most famous 54 mile Ultra Marathons. Where I intend to raise funds for my chosen charity for 2012 - "Pawz for Thought". For further details on the charity's good work and how you could help to support there ongoing efforts, then please click on the above charity's website link.

My chosen charity for 2012
"Pawz for Thought"

“Keep on Running & Be Inspired”
Darren Barnes

Follow my running activities on Twitter @enduranceruner


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