The following running statistics was taken over a period of 89 weeks and measured by my Garmin running watch.
Hmmm, just think of those total calories burned “260, 743 cal”. That must equate to a few take away - 1/4lb Cheese Burgers & Fry's !!!. Yum Yum.
Total Weeks | Total Miles | Total Time - Hrs | Total Calories | Total Ascent - Ft | Total Descent - Ft |
89 | 1,729.63 | 370:47:00 | 260,743 | 137,185 | 136,637 |
The following running statistics was taken over a period of six weeks. All my runs are made up of 85% trails with lots of hills included.
Day | Total Miles | Total Time - Hrs | Total Calories | Total Ascent - Ft | Total Descent - Ft |
21-Nov | 27.67 | 07:27:01 | 3,798 | 6,819 | 6,820 |
14-Nov | 13.31 | 02:25:00 | 1,969 | 2,770 | 2,716 |
07-Nov | 26.54 | 06:05:10 | 3,678 | 4,988 | 4,978 |
31-Oct | 13:56 | 03:16:20 | 2,075 | 2,934 | 3,041 |
24-Oct | 23:38 | 03:47:00 | 3,680 | 3,124 | 3,192 |
17-Oct | 13:44 | 03:17:10 | 1,838 | 5,371 | 5,339 |
The following running statistics I have chosen at random, with information taken from my running calendar.
Day | Total Miles | Total Time - Hrs | Total Calories | Total Ascent - Ft | Total Descent - Ft |
19-Sep | 43.42 | 08:52:00 | 4,966 | 6,518 | 6,699 |
11-Jul | 38.84 | 09:00:20 | 5,682 | 8,591 | 8,236 |
25-Apr | 53:65 | 12:07:00 | 6,766 | 11,974 | 11,398 |
18-Apr | 36:98 | 07:15:30 | 5,902 | 7,723 | 7,755 |
Now let’s not get too serious here ! or, get too conscious !! about running statistics. But I am sure that you would agree with me, that the Total Mileage, Time on your Feet and Total Calories Burned. All soon add up when pounding the trails & roads on a regular basis.
As a matter of discussion, I will touch on the subject of nutrition that works for me, when completing my long endurance runs. This will follow soon within my next few posts.
If you require any further information about any of the subjects or, running routes that I have covered within my blog. Then please do not hesitate to contact me by sending me a message to my Twitter account @enduranceruner.
“Keep on Running”
Darren Barnes
Follow my running activities on Twitter @enduranceruner
Darren Barnes
Follow my running activities on Twitter @enduranceruner