Saturday, 28 January 2012

Endurance Run 5 - "The Penshaw Circuit"

The Penshaw Circuit -  City of Sunderland

·         Date - 21st January 2012

·         Location - City of Sunderland & Penshaw Hills.
·         Total Distance - 17 Miles
·         Total Running Time, including Stoppages for Photographs - 04:19:35
·         Total Ascent - 892 Metres
·         Total Decent - 877 Metres
·         Total Calories Burned - 2,256
The above information was taken from my Nike Runmeter and Garmin Vista GPS.
Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for any unfortunate errors made during writing this post.  This run has been completed by myself, with my best of knowledge and ability in recalling the entire route.

Recommendations: -In advance of undertaking this running route, I would recommend that the runner undertakes the following; Research the Route, Run with a Partner, Take an Ordnance Survey Map, Compass, Whistle, Waterproof Clothing, Nutrition, Survival Bag, Mobile Phone and completes a Route Card.
About this running route: This route starts at the beginning of The Sunderland Ski Centre Park, where the path starts and finishes on Premier Road (B1405), near the Plains Farm Social Club. The route takes in a circuit of the outer perimeter of the Running Track - ascent & decent of the Ski Slope - ascent & decent of Haisting Hill  - Black Woods - Herrington Country Park - 5 circuits of Penshaw Monument - Penshaw Woods - Coxgreen Road & Bank - Offerton Grange Farm -  Weardale Way - Offerton Haugh - River Wear Trail - Pallion - Deptford - A690 - The Barnes and finish back at the start on Premier Road.

The Start -Premier Road (B1405) Sunderland.

Take the path on the  left heading towards the "Sunderland Puma Ski Centre".

Follow the path turning left over the foot bridge and carrying on towards the Ski Centre. At the Ski Centre turn right, heading towards the running track. Pick up the trail that encompasses the running track and run 1 complete circuit. To make the run more challenging, I tend to do several laps around the outer perimeter and  zig zag up and down for a final lap of honour.

At this stage in the run your "Lungs and Legs," should be  warmed up and eager to press onwards.
Upon completing a circuit of the track, cross over the car pak and take a direct ascent to the top of the ski slope and back  down again. Once again, if you are feeling adventurous there is nothing stopping you, from zig zaging up and down the slope several times!!!.
Cross back over the car park and head south towards the lake, where you descend down a grassy slope reaching the shore line of the lake. Turn around and head back up the grassy slope, with a short sprint to the top. Once reaching the top of the slope turn left and follow the path for approximately 100 metres. Take the next grassy slope on your left and ascend down to shore line. Turn around and head back up the grassy slope, with a short sprint to the top. Once reaching the top of the slope turn left and follow the path down to the shore line. Turn left again and follow the path as it skirts around the lake, where it meets with the road "Northmoor Lane".
Cross over the road and follow this west heading towards the "Northmoor" roundabout, where it  meets with the A690 "Durham Road". Turn left and ignore McDonalds on your right, remember "Self-Discipline" and ignore those tempting Cheese Burgers & Fry's. Follow the road uphill, where a  gradual jog leads into a sprint towards reaching the top of the hill.
 At the top of the hill follow the road for approximately 400 meters, turning right at the traffic lights. Enter Summer Hill Road, where "St Chadds Church  meets with  Olivers Dentists". 
After 200 metres the road bends to the left, ignore this and carry straight on. Enter the bridle path passing fields on your left, housing estate on your right until you reaching Haistings Hill.
 Haistings Hill is the 3rd Peak of Endurance Run 1 - "The Sunderland 4 Peak Challenge".
Ascend the hill until reaching the Trig point at the top, turn back around and head down the hill in a north east direction until reaching the fence line. Turn left cross the field and enter "Foxcover Lane". Follow the bridge as it crosses over  the A19 Motorway. Just after crossing the A19 take the road on your left, gaining access to this by climbing over a small steel fence. Follow the road down hill until reaching a track on your right. Take the track and follow this as it enters  "Black Woods".

At the end of the track, the wood leads into "New Herrington Park". Turn right and head north towards "Penshaw Monument Hill".

This is Peak No 4  of  Endurance Run 1 - "The Sunderland 4 Peak Challenge".

Caution ! On your approach to "Penshaw Monument Hill". please take care when crossing the A183 "Chester Road".
Mile 7 - "The Penshaw Circuit".

This is where the fun begins !!! 

Complete up to  5 circuits of "Penshaw Monument Hill & Penshaw Woods".

It may be worth considering to leave a bag drop at this point, where you can rehydrate and eat energy food, before attempting this strenuous section.

Ascend the track leading to the top of Penshaw Hill, turn left and descend the track until reaching the wooden gate.
Caution ! is needed during the descent of the track, as the steps can be quite slippy.

Enter "Penshaw Woods" through the wooden gate.

Follow the track through the woodland for approximately 1 mile. Turn right and  take the short but steep ascending wooden steps up to the edge of the tree line, where it meets with a wooden sty.
To gain maximum enjoyment from this circuit, I would strongly advise a sprint to the top of the steps!!!

After exiting the sty, follow the track for 15 metres until reaching a second track. Turn left and  follow the track as it skirts around  "Penshaw Monument Hill".
The middle  section of "Penshaw Monument Hill".
Follow this path as it skirts around "Penshaw Monument Hill".

Hmmm - here is a  bunch of tough characters. Should I take this bull on - "Man Versus Beast". I think that I would most probably come off the worst, in this losing battle !!!!

As the track splits in two sections, take the track on your left nearest to the fence and follow this until reaching the steps that leads back up to the top of the Monument.

My "Penshaw Circuit Trainers" - As you can see that the track gets very muddy !!!

Upon reaching the steps, continue the ascent  towards the bottom corner of the field, where entering the road via a wooden gate. Turn left and follow the road for approximately 100 metres until reaching a second  wooden gate. Where another circuit of "Penshaw Monument Hill & Penshaw Woods" begins.

After successfully completing  between 4 - 5 circuits of this section of the run. Head back in to Penshaw Woods and  ignore the"Steps from Hell" on your right. Follow the track until reaching a wooden sty at the edge of "Penshaw Woods". Enter the field and head down to the bottom corner, cross over a second sty turn right and start the ascent of Cox Green Bank.

Passing the local wild life on your right !

Follow the road until reaching the junction of "Offerton Lane and Foxcover Road". Head straight on and into "Offerton Lane". Take the track on the left and follow this as it descends passing "Railway Crossing Cottage" on the right. Follow the track as it  passes the golf course on your left, until reaching the River Wear.

At the river bank turn right and cross over the sty and follow the "Weardale Way". Follow the track  along the river bank heading towards the City of Sunderland, passing "Offerton Haugh, Stony Haugh & White Haugh" on the right.


After passing under the A19 underpass, the runner passes by two pre-war vessels and the famous Clatchy Rock. This is the 14 mile marker, where the track heads up a grass bank, under the Metro railway bridge to meet up with the road B1405 – European Way.

My muddy "Penshaw Circuit Trainers" are now going to get a washed !!!!


You can not go around this puddle, so the only thing left that you can do is. Run through the cold and dirty water........Yipee.....

Following the road and heading east in to the City of Sunderland town centre, passing the  B&Q retail shopping outlet on your left, this is the 17 mile marker. Turing right at the 2nd roundabout following the A183 – St Mary’s Way. Passing the Sunderland University on your left, crossing over the Metro railway line, under the A690 underpass, passing Burn Park on your left.

Following the road A690 until reaching “The Barnes Toby Carvery” on your right. Pass  through the traffic lights heading  long Silksworth Lane. Just before reaching the roundabout on Essen Way. Take the path on your right, pass over the foot bridge and  turn left. Follow the path until reaching Premier Road. Cross over the dual carriage way until reaching the path, where the run finishes.

Congratulations ! You have just survived Endurance Run 5 -"The Penshaw Circuit".  

I bet that your legs are aching now !!!.

Who is this crazy person......?

“Keep on Running & be Inspired”
  Darren Barnes
  Follow my running activities on Twitter @enduranceruner

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Man "Versus" Beast

Man "Versus" Beast

Some tough characters, who I have had the great pleasure of  meeting on my trail runs.

Who would win the "Argument" - Man or Beast ?

“Keep on Running”

  Darren Barnes
  Follow my running activities on Twitter @enduranceruner

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Time Spent On My Feet

Saturday 7th January, 2012

This mornings running route: Endurance Run 1 - "The Sunderland 4 Peak Challenge"

Total Distance: 20:42 Miles - With some detours, due to poor under foot conditions.

Total Calories Burned: 2,959

Running Time: 4:34 Hours

Time 5:30am: Breakfast - Lasagna and Energy Gel

Start of run: 08:00 hours.

This morning  I was feeling quite tired from my first week back to work following the Christmas Holiday period. Last week I managed a total weekly running mileage of 42 miles, which 70 percent of this was off road trail running.

With today's mileage this would accumulated to a total running mileage of 32 miles, which again 80 percent of this would be off road trail running. 

Starting my run at Peak Number 1 - "Tunstall Hills".

The half way marker at 10 miles - Peak Number 4 "Penshaw Monument"

Passing the local wild life heading down to the river bank of the River Wear.

Heading along the river back towards the city centre. 

My Garmin watch at the end of the run, displaying my running statistics.

When you are preparing for long distance racing such as Marathons and Ultra Marathons. It is important to include long distance training runs within your training schedule. Where your body and mind  can experience a variety of stresses and strains, that you will undergo during any long distance racing.  This is called " Time Spent On Your Feet".  

"Keep On Running"

Twitter @enduranceruner

Endurance Run 4 - Thrunton Woods in Northumberland

Thrunton Woods - Northumberland

·         Date - 31st December, 2011

·         Location - Thrunton Woods
·         Total Distance - 15:09 Miles
·         Total Running Time, including Stoppages for Photographs - 04:52:01
·         Total Ascent - 865 Metres
·         Total Decent - 924 Metres
·         Total Calories Burned - 1,906
The above information was taken from my Nike Runmeter and Garmin Vista GPS.
Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for any unfortunate errors made during writing this post.  This run has been completed by myself, with my best of knowledge and ability in recalling the entire route.

Recommendations: -In advance of undertaking this running route, I would recommend that the runner undertakes the following; Research the Route, Run with a Partner, Take an Ordnance Survey Map, Compass, Whistle, Waterproof Clothing, Nutrition, Survival Bag, Mobile Phone and completes a Route Card.
About this running route: This route starts at the Car Park opposite to the Brick Works.  
The route follows a series of well defined forest tracks with short sections of rough terrain, passing through moorland and scrub land. The ascent to Long Crag starts by passing through a wooden gate near the end of Callaly Crags, at the edge of the forest line. The track passes through bog and rough scrub land heading towards the Bothy. Please note that at times, this track can be treacherous under footing posing problems such as; "Twisted, Sprained or, even worse Broken Ankles". 

View the route map in Google Earth

The Starting Line - Car Park - Height  146 Metres.
Grid Reference: NU083098 
The following photographs showing the Car Park and the road leading up to it. These were taken from an earlier run that I did, during the summer months. The reason why I chose to use these photographs, is because at the start of the run. It was a very dark morning and it would prove to be very difficult in taking any good photographs of the starting line at the  Car Park.

Turn left out of the Car Park and follow the road for approximately 400 meters. Just before the bend in the road, take the track on your left through the wooden gate. The steep ascending track heads south west on a compass bearing of "238* degrees", through the woods passing "Thrunton Crags" on your right.
The below  landscape photographs shows Northumberland, with the "Cheviot Hills" in the distance. These were taken from an earlier run that I did during the summer months. As on the actual day of this run. It was a very dark morning and it would prove to be very difficult in taking any good photographs of such beautiful landscapes.
The Wooden Gate
Grid Reference: NU062090

The wooden gate, where the ascent begins to Long & Coe Crags. This picture was taken when  it was still dark, note I am wearing my head torch !!!.
Passing through the gate and following the track through bog and rough scrub land. Hence my running buddy, John Shemmings lost his training shoe in the bog.
Anybody found my shoe !!!

This track can be treacherous under footing, care must be taking during this stage of the route. The following photographs were taking that morning and earlier in the year.

The track passes through "Hard Nab" heading towards the Bothy, where the track turns left and descends towards the wooden gate at the forest line.
The following photographs were taking that morning and earlier in the year.
The Bothy - Height 271 Metres.
Grid Reference: NU054085

The Wooden Gate
Grid Reference:NU056080

After passing through a wooden gate the track descends a short section of rough terrain, heading towards the base of the ascent to "Long Crags".

The Wooden Gate
Grid Reference: NU059072

Upon reaching the wooden gate, turn right and follow the ascending track to the summit of "Long Crag"

It's that way !!!!

The track becomes fairly steep in small sections, where a short scramble near the top takes you to the guide post on the ridge line.

Guide Post - Height 300 Metres
Grid Reference: NU058067

Turn left at the Guide Post and follow the track passing the Cairn, before reaching the "Summit Trig Point" of Long Crag.

The Summit Trig Point - Height 319 Metres
Grid Reference: NU062069

After passing the "Summit Trig Point" the track widens, but care must be taken as the under footing still  proves to be treacherous in most places.

Follow the track for approximately 700 metres until reaching the "Folk", this where the tracks beaks off in to two sections.

The Folk - Height 300 Metres
Grid Reference: NU068068

Take the track on your right and follow this in to the woods. Please note that as the track ascends in to the forest, it becomes very slippy due to "Excessive Mud & Bog". This can prove to be very challenging, when moving at a fast pace.

Shem's Cheviot trainers, but not as dirty as mine !!! So do it all again!!

Follow the track through the forest for approximately 1.5 miles passing under electricity pylons, reaching the wooden gate that leads on to the narrow tarmac road. As the track ascends towards the wooden gate, it gets more defined with firm under footing enabling the runner to pick up pace.

The Wooden Gate - Height 100 Metres
Grid Reference: NU091072

Pass through the gate and turn left on to the tarmac road. Follow the road down hill for approximately 500 metres, until reaching the "Drop Bag" location under a small weir.

Drop Bag Location
Grid Reference: NU090075

Hmmm Shem, a tough decision to be made. What should I eat first  "Jam & Peanut Butter Sandwich" or, "Tuna and Pasta Snack"!!!

After leaving the drop bag location, follow the descending road until reaching the gate opposite the Caravan Park, near "Coe Burn".  I call this  "Junction Point". As though it was a name taken out of either "Sir Earnest Shackleton's or Scott's Diary's".

Junction Point
Grid Reference: NU087087

Follow the track, keeping to your left and avoiding the track on your right. Follow this for approximately 1 mile, until reaching the Foot Bridge on the left. Cross over the foot bridge and follow the ascending track in to the Forrest. I call this section "The Black Hole of NO Return".

The Foot Bridge & The Black Hole of NO Return
Grid Reference: NU079075

Follow the track through the dense Forrest until reaching an opening. Turn left and follow the ascending track as it bends around to the right and contours "Coe Crags". Keep following the track until reaching "The Fork". I call this "The Summit Circle Loop". Upon reaching "The Fork" turn left and follow the track back down to the wooden gate that leads on to the tarmac road.

The Folk
Grid Reference: NU068068

Upon reaching the road turn left and follow this for approximately 1.5 miles. Passing the "Drop Bag" location and "Junction Point". Follow the road up the bank until reaching the the starting line at the "Car Park", which is on your left. Turn back around and run down the bank to the end of the road, where this meets with the major road "A697". 

This is where the run finishes.

Congratulations !!! you have just completed "Endurance Run 4"

N.B - When I did this run the weather was cold, windy with the odd occasional heavy shower. During  Spring and  Summer seasons, there is an abundance of wild life that can be seen, including lots of wild deer.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my long term Hiking, Mountaineering and Running buddy John Shemmings,  for his assistance in helping me to create Endurance Run Number 4.

Thank you John,

“Keep on Running”

  Darren Barnes
  Follow my running activities on Twitter @enduranceruner